Verse 27. And Recite what has been revealed to you of your Lord's scripture. None can change His words, and you will not find any refuge in other than Him.
The Qur'an should be followed concerning the People of the Cave as Allah's word cannot be changed and there is nothing further to be known after Allah's explanation.
Ibn Abbas after a battle reached the area where the people of the cave was located (During Muawiya's Caliphate). He was prevented by the verse “If you saw them, you have turned and fled” (18:18). Muawiya insisted and sent troops but when they entered, Allah sent a strong wing which blew them out of the cave. (Al Jaami li Ahkaam al Quran.Vol. 9-10 pg. 323).
The command to “recite”. Three statements addressed to the Messenger:
1.Specific to him. “Have I not opened your chest for you?” (94:1) also (93:6).
2.General address. “O Prophet! When you (all) divorce women...” (65:1)
3.To him alone or the community. This verse is in this category.
If none can change his word (scriptures) does it mean that the bible is not corrupted? No! Two kinds of Word of God:
1.Creational Words. This cannot be changed. When Allah says “Kun” (be) no one can change it.
2.Legal Words. It is not legally possible for anyone to change Allah's 'legal words'. (No one can say that alcohol is not haram anymore). But it is possible for somebody to distort Allah's word by re-writing Allah's scriptures with their own hands or interpreting them in a way different from what Allah has intended. (48:15). Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say:"This is from Allah," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby. (2:79 )
The Word of God or Speech of God. Concerning Allah's Names and attributes: Four Principles.
1.Rule Number One. What is obligatory regarding the texts of the Quran an Sunnah in relationship to Allah's attributes.
It is obligatory to keep the implications of names and attributes according to their obvious meanings without any change because Allah revealed the Quran in clear Arabic language and the Prophet spoke the Arabic language. Therefore it is obligatory to keep their implications to their linguistic meanings because changing them from their obvious meanings would be speaking about Allah without knowledge. (7:33)
2.Rule Number Two (four subcategories)
All of Allah's Names are Beautiful free from any deficiency in any respect (7:180)
Allah's Beautiful Names are not limited to any specific number. “O Allah, I ask you by every name belonging to You with which You named Yourself, or You revealed in Your scripture, or You taught one of Your creatures, or You kept with Yourself exclusively in the hidden knowledge. (Musnad Ahmad)
Allah's names are not to be decided upon by reason not by revelation. It is obligatory to limits Allah's names to what has been revealed.
Every one of Allah's names refers to Allah's essence (dhat), to the attribute it contains and to the effect resulting from it if it is transitive.
3. Rule Number Three (Four subcategories).
All of Allah''s attributes are transcendent, attributes of perfection and praise without any deficiency in any respect.
Allah's attributes may be divided into two categories:
1.affirmative / positive (Allah affirmed for himself knowledge, life etc.
2.negative (Allah negates from Himself oppression).
The Affirmative attributes may be divided into two categories: Personal (Dhaatiyyah) and Consequential [related to his will] (Fi'liyyah).
Three Questions about Allah's attributes:
1.Is the attribute to be understood literally and why? Yes because the basic principle for understanding speech is according to its literal meaning. The literal meaning should not be avoided [by considering the attribute metaphorical] except if there exists authentic evidence preventing that. We cannot possibly believe that Allah is inside our body by this verse: “Indeed, I have created humankind and I know what his soul whispers. And I am closer to him than his jugular vein.” (50:16) BECAUSE of this verse: “They fear their Lord who is above them and they do what they are commanded.” (16:50).
Further, the hadeeth that Prophet Muhammad also declared a woman a true believer on the basis of her answer to his question, “Where is Allah?” that He is above the heaves. (Sahih Muslim).
2.Is it possible to describe how it is and why? No not possible, not permissible. (20:110)
3.Does it resemble human characteristics and why? No, divine attributes do not resemble the attributes of creation. (42:11)
Tamtheel (resemblance) describes how an attribute is in relationship with something while Takyeef (asking how) describes how an attribute is without limiting it to something similar.
4. Rule Number Four. What is used to refute those who deny Allah's names and attributes. (Al Mu'attilah).
They contradict the obvious meanings of the texts.
The contradict the methodology of the Salaf.
They do not have any authentic evidence to support their claims.
In the case of some attributes there may be a fourth principle or more principles for refutation.
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