Islamic studies Academy
Study Questions
Study Questions
From the Book "A Commentary of The Book of Monotheism"
of Dr. Bilal Philips
Question 4
Question 4
1. Where was Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhaab born and where did he study?
He was born in the city of al-‘Uyaynah, seventy kilometers northwest of Riyadh, currently the capital of Saudi Arabia. He acquired his primary education from his father and by the age of ten he had memorized the Qur’an by heart. He later proceeded to Madeenah to study under ‘Abdullah ibn Ibraaheem an-Najdee and Muhammad Hayaat Sindee (Teacher of Shah Waliullah Dihlawi). He also spent much time studying the works of Ibn Taymiyyah. Afterwards he went to Iraq and spent four years in Basrah in a village called al-Majmoo’ah where he preach against innovations and pagan tendencies without success. There is an anonymous account that he spent five years in Baghdad. He then went to Kurdistan for a year, two years in Hamadhan after which he went to Isfahan in Iran where he studied Sufism for four years before journeying to Qumm.
2. What was his most ambitious project in al Uyaynah?
After marrying al-Jawharah, the daughter of the governor of al-‘Uyaynah, ‘Uthmaan ibn Mu’ammar, he embarked on a program to free al-‘Uyaynah from the numerous tombs, caves, and trees, etc., which were worshipped in that area. The most ambitious project was the demolition of the tomb of Zayd ibn al-Khattaab, a Companion of the Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم and brother of the second caliph, who had died in the battle of Yamaamah against the false prophet, Musaylamah.
3. Who in Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhaab’s family were initially opposed to his teachings?
Brother who wrote treaties against him
4. Discuss briefly the main doctrine of Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhaab.
His main doctrine is the implementation of all the aspects of Tawheed in the society according to the Qur’an and Sunnah as it was understood by the Sahaabah. There are so many allegations against him and subsequently against his so called followers the 'Wahabi'. They weren't following him as having initiated some form of new sect in Islaam. If one were to read his books, never mind studying it in detail but by just quickly browsing the chapters and the evidences presented, one would find only quotations from the Qur'aan, Hadeeth and the sayings of the Scholars foremost among them are the Companions of the Messenger. This current book is a prime example of this.
He was born in the city of al-‘Uyaynah, seventy kilometers northwest of Riyadh, currently the capital of Saudi Arabia. He acquired his primary education from his father and by the age of ten he had memorized the Qur’an by heart. He later proceeded to Madeenah to study under ‘Abdullah ibn Ibraaheem an-Najdee and Muhammad Hayaat Sindee (Teacher of Shah Waliullah Dihlawi). He also spent much time studying the works of Ibn Taymiyyah. Afterwards he went to Iraq and spent four years in Basrah in a village called al-Majmoo’ah where he preach against innovations and pagan tendencies without success. There is an anonymous account that he spent five years in Baghdad. He then went to Kurdistan for a year, two years in Hamadhan after which he went to Isfahan in Iran where he studied Sufism for four years before journeying to Qumm.
2. What was his most ambitious project in al Uyaynah?
After marrying al-Jawharah, the daughter of the governor of al-‘Uyaynah, ‘Uthmaan ibn Mu’ammar, he embarked on a program to free al-‘Uyaynah from the numerous tombs, caves, and trees, etc., which were worshipped in that area. The most ambitious project was the demolition of the tomb of Zayd ibn al-Khattaab, a Companion of the Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم and brother of the second caliph, who had died in the battle of Yamaamah against the false prophet, Musaylamah.
3. Who in Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhaab’s family were initially opposed to his teachings?
Brother who wrote treaties against him
4. Discuss briefly the main doctrine of Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhaab.
His main doctrine is the implementation of all the aspects of Tawheed in the society according to the Qur’an and Sunnah as it was understood by the Sahaabah. There are so many allegations against him and subsequently against his so called followers the 'Wahabi'. They weren't following him as having initiated some form of new sect in Islaam. If one were to read his books, never mind studying it in detail but by just quickly browsing the chapters and the evidences presented, one would find only quotations from the Qur'aan, Hadeeth and the sayings of the Scholars foremost among them are the Companions of the Messenger. This current book is a prime example of this.
He was slandered in his lifetime and even until today by those whom their unislamic beliefs he sought to rectify such as grave and saint worship. Today this slandering was picked up by non Muslims who are enemies of Islaam because if one were to examine objectively according to the Qur'aan and Sunnah, which country still follows (the Qur'aan and Sunnah) by the majority of the People and still adamant to the attacks of Western Civilization (that are degenerative and contrary to Islaam not the ones that are confirmed by Islaam such as the pursuit of science etc.) is still the place where his da'wah took roots. Further, the enemies of Islaam, in their usual divide and rule tactic, needed to alienate the followers of Qur'aan and pure Sunnah from the rest of their brothers in the Ummah.
Any sincere and truthful student of knowledge would first see the material and then pass judgment. If one were to say that Shakespeare doesn't have any literary skills, another person may well ask if the accuser had already read Hamlet or the Twelfth Night. Or in our local scene, what would you think if a person said that Rizal didn't know anything concerning 19th century Philippine socio-political issues ? Wouldn't an average person tell him to read first Noli Me Tangere or El Filibusterismo? Similarly, we say, before hurling to Ibn Abdul Wahhab anything, won't you read first Kitaab at Tawheed and see for your self if benefits you or not?
5. Identify the focus of the early books written on Tawheed and explain why.
Early books on Tawheed focus on Tawheed al Asmaa’ was Sifaat (names and attributes of Allah) because when Islam spread to areas that have well-established religious traditions, some converts brought aspects of their previous religions, which are confused concerning the nature of God, into Islaam and they tried to voice them out in Islaamic terminology. Issues of grave worship or intercession were not debated then because the inherited legacy of proper worship pf Allaah from the first generations was still quite strong.
6. Explain why the latter books focused on Tawheed of worship.
Cloaked in Islaamic terminology, foreign ideas of mysticism found their way into the Ummah in the later generations. The Mongol invasion further corrupted this situation where many innovations and pagan traditions were introduced at the hand of the Mongols who later converted to Islam. Subsequently, scholars of this generation focused in their writings in the field of theology on issues regarding Tawheed al-‘Ibaadah.
7. Why were Jinns and humans created to worship Allah?
The goal of worship is primarily to keep them conscious of Allah. Allaah said: “Establish prayer in order to remember me” (20:14). The reason being that when they are conscious of Allaah, they obey Him and when they forget Him they disobey Him.
8. Briefly discuss the three basic reasons for Allah sending prophets and messengers.
a. Establishing evidence against humankind that the purpose of their creation was conveyed to them[1].
b. A mercy from Allaah whereby the scriptures were explained and demonstrated. Human beings and the Jinn were neither left to follow their innate, divinely inspired knowledge of right and wrong[2].
c. Clarification of the path leading to Allaah. Because human beings do not know the details of what is obligatory on them regarding Allaah except by way of the prophets.[3]
9. Discuss why worship of Allah requires rejection of false gods along with it.
Because this is what the Shahaadah means and requires of us. ‘Lailaha’ is negating all form of worship to deities; ‘Illallaah’ is affirming that worship is for Allaah alone. This is also what the text of the Sharee’ah requires,
“And indeed I have sent among every nation a messenger (proclaiming): “Worship Allaah alone, and avoid the worship of false gods.” (16:36)
Belief in Allaah is invalidated if others are worshipped along with Him.
10. What are the two types of divine decree mentioned in the verse: “And your Lord decreed that you only worship Him…?
a. Qadaa shar’ee or Legal Decree. This degree may occur from the one for whom ot was decreed or it may not, and it involves only what is pleasing to Allaah. For example, the Almighty said: “Your Lord has decreed that you only worship Him…” (17:23) Decree here means “to make a law” or “to instruct”, etc.
b. Qadaa kawnee or the Creational decree. This decree must occur, and it involves what Allaah loves and what He does not love. For example, the Almighty said”
“I decreed for the Children of Israel in the Book that they will corrupt the land twice…”
The decree here is creational, because Allaah does not legalize corruption in the earth nor does He love it.
11. Clarify how Allah can decree in creation that He does not love.
What is loved may be loved for itself or for factors beyond itself. What is loved for other than itself maybe itself disliked, but it is loved because of some wisdom or benefit to be gained from it. It is therefore loved form one perspective and disliked from another.
It is similar to a sick person who will take the most horrible tasting, revolting-looking, foul-smelling medicine without any hesitation as long as there is a chance for him to be cured by it. Similarly, injections, surgical operations, chemotherapy, etc., they may all be disliked form one perspective while being loved from another.
12. What does the mention of duty to parents after the decree to worship Allah “And your Lord has decreed that you worship Him alone and that you be dutiful to your parents…”indicate?
It indicates that the most important right following Allaah’s right is that of the parents. Great stress is placed on the duty to parents because it is the final link holding the family together. If it breaks, the most basic building block of society crumbles.
13. When may a woman be alone with her brother-in-law?
The in-law of the wife is death itself.
14. Identify three reasons why a person may be killed in Islam.
a. A married fornicator
b. A life for a life
c. The deserter of the religion who splits the community
15. What does “straight path” in the verse: “Indeed this is My straight path so follow it and don not follow other paths…” mean?
The Straight Path is the religion of Islam.
16. Identify the right of Allah on His slaves and their right on Allah.
The right of Allah on His slaves is that they should worship Him alone without partners. Their right on Allaah is that He should not punish them if they worship Him alone without partners.
17. Mention the principle which may be deduced from the Prophet’s statement “Don’t inform them, in case they rely on it.”
Concealment of knowledge is fundamentally prohibited. Allaah curses those who hide knowledge. The Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم was reported to have said: Whoever concealed knowledge, Allaah will make him wear a bridle of fire on the Day of Judgment”. This is due to the harm resulting from concealment. However, where there is benefit in concealment, it is permissible in this case. In order to avoid people depending on this knowledge and getting lazy with regards to righteous deeds, the Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم instructed that the knowledge of the reward be concealed.
18. Explain what “wrongdoing” in the verse “It is those who believe and do not confuse their belief with ”wrongdoing,” refers to.
It is no more that what Luqmaan said to his son: Verily shirk is the greatest wrongdoing. 31:13
19. Why does Allah refer to sin as “self oppression”?
Because the sinner oppresses himself by earning punishment.
20. Explain why Allaah described Prophet Abraham as a nation.
According to Ibn Abbas, Allaah described him as a nation because he was the only believer at that time.
21. For what reason in the hadeeth on the 70,000 did Husayn ibn Ábdir-Rahman explain that he was not praying when he saw a shooting star?
He said that so that people would not imagine that he was up praying and thereby praise him for something he did not do. His statement is not considered to be like a person who abandons a good deed out of fear of Riyaa. His statement is itself a good deed. Satanic forces may play with a person and beautify the abandonment of righteous acts. In such cases, one should go ahead and do the deed while repelling thoughts of Riyaa in his or her heart.
22. Those not treated by ruqyah of the 70,000 going to paradise without reckoning are who?
The people are those who do not ask others to treat them with ruqyah, nor do they believe in bird omens, nor do they get themselves cauterized. Instead they put their trust in their Lord.[4]
23. What does “other than that” in the verse “Indeed, Allaah does not forgive that partners should be attributed to Him, but He forgives other than that….” means?
It means sins that are less than Major Shirk
24. Identify the effect of Riyaa which creeps into worship and continues to the end.
If the origin of worship is for the sake of Allah, but Riyaa creeps into it, then this case has two subsections: a) That he repel it in which case it will not harm his worship; and b) That he continue with it, in which case it will invalidate his worship. In this case where the end of the act of worship depends on its beginnings [e.g. Salaah], the whole act of becomes invalidated. In the case where the beginning of the act of worship [is separate from its end [sawm, sadaqah, wudoo in relationship to Salaah], whatever precedes the act of Riyaa is valid, and whatever follows it is invalid.
25. Explain what one who calls to Allaah and finds the people fleeing from him should do.
Whoever calls to Allaah and finds the people fleeing from him should not despair and abandon the da’wah for the Messenger said to ‘Alee:
By Allaah! For Allaah to guide a single person by you is better for you than for you to have some red camels.[5]
If only a single person responds, it is sufficient. If no one responds, he has cleared his responsibility. The Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم described the state of some prophets on the Day of Resurrection who would come without even a single follower.
26. On whom is Da’wah an obligation?
Virtually everyone who has the ability to do it is obligated to call to Allaah. The Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم said: “Convey from me even if it be a single verse.” Anyone who knows a single verse of the Qur’an such as “Qul huwallahu ahad” is therefore obligated to share it to his shirk infested environment. This is especially true when there is a shortage of callers, when evil is prevalent and ignorance dominates; da’wah becomes fard ‘ayn on everyone according to their ability.
27. With regard to the principle that single narrations of hadeeth cannot be used to establish issues of ‘Aqeedah, the hadeeth of Muáath is proof of what?
That ahaad narration is accepted because he was sent by the Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم along with Aboo Moosa al Ash’aree to Yemen to inform them first and foremost of their Aqeedah.
28. What was the color of the flag of the Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم and what was written on it?
The color of the flag of the Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم was black and “Laailaha Illallaah Muhammad ar Rasoolullah was written on it”.
29. Identify the waseelah which Prophet Muhammad told his followers to pray for.
“It is a rank in paradise fitting for only one of Allaah’s slaves, and I hope that I may be that one”.[6]
30. Briefly explain the two main types of intercession.
31. What is the ruling on asking others to pray for us?
It is permissible if they are still alive and pious themselves.
32. Discuss the ruling on calling on Allah using our good deeds as intercession.
33. How did Christian take their monks as lords besides Allah?
By their obedience to them when they make Halaal what Allah made haram and they obey them in this; and by obedience to them when they make Haram what Allah made halaal, and they obey them in this.
34. What is the ruling on one who legalizes the unlawful and prohibits the lawful as a result of ijtihaad?
If he is qualified for Ijtihaad then he would receive a single reward for his effort although he was mistaken.
35. Why was only the complete name of Prophet Jesus mentioned in the Qurán?
Because it is necessary to establish his lineage as having no father and because he was believed to be the “the son of god” by the Christians thereby saying that he is the son of Mary, a human being, refutes the claim that he was the son of God.
36. Explain the meaning of loving for the sake of Allaah.
Loving for the sake of Allaah is loving what Allaah loves.
[1] “Messengers as bearers of good news and warnings, in order that humankind would have no evidence [to plea] against Allaah after the coming of messengers.”(4:165)
[2] Í have only sent you as a mercy for the worlds. (21:107)
[3] from al Qawl al-Mufeed, p. 19.
[4] Part of hadeeth of Husayn ibn Abdur Rahmaan collected in Sahih Muslim.
[5] Bukhari and Muslim
[6] Sahih Muslim
5. Identify the focus of the early books written on Tawheed and explain why.
Early books on Tawheed focus on Tawheed al Asmaa’ was Sifaat (names and attributes of Allah) because when Islam spread to areas that have well-established religious traditions, some converts brought aspects of their previous religions, which are confused concerning the nature of God, into Islaam and they tried to voice them out in Islaamic terminology. Issues of grave worship or intercession were not debated then because the inherited legacy of proper worship pf Allaah from the first generations was still quite strong.
6. Explain why the latter books focused on Tawheed of worship.
Cloaked in Islaamic terminology, foreign ideas of mysticism found their way into the Ummah in the later generations. The Mongol invasion further corrupted this situation where many innovations and pagan traditions were introduced at the hand of the Mongols who later converted to Islam. Subsequently, scholars of this generation focused in their writings in the field of theology on issues regarding Tawheed al-‘Ibaadah.
7. Why were Jinns and humans created to worship Allah?
The goal of worship is primarily to keep them conscious of Allah. Allaah said: “Establish prayer in order to remember me” (20:14). The reason being that when they are conscious of Allaah, they obey Him and when they forget Him they disobey Him.
8. Briefly discuss the three basic reasons for Allah sending prophets and messengers.
a. Establishing evidence against humankind that the purpose of their creation was conveyed to them[1].
b. A mercy from Allaah whereby the scriptures were explained and demonstrated. Human beings and the Jinn were neither left to follow their innate, divinely inspired knowledge of right and wrong[2].
c. Clarification of the path leading to Allaah. Because human beings do not know the details of what is obligatory on them regarding Allaah except by way of the prophets.[3]
9. Discuss why worship of Allah requires rejection of false gods along with it.
Because this is what the Shahaadah means and requires of us. ‘Lailaha’ is negating all form of worship to deities; ‘Illallaah’ is affirming that worship is for Allaah alone. This is also what the text of the Sharee’ah requires,
“And indeed I have sent among every nation a messenger (proclaiming): “Worship Allaah alone, and avoid the worship of false gods.” (16:36)
Belief in Allaah is invalidated if others are worshipped along with Him.
10. What are the two types of divine decree mentioned in the verse: “And your Lord decreed that you only worship Him…?
a. Qadaa shar’ee or Legal Decree. This degree may occur from the one for whom ot was decreed or it may not, and it involves only what is pleasing to Allaah. For example, the Almighty said: “Your Lord has decreed that you only worship Him…” (17:23) Decree here means “to make a law” or “to instruct”, etc.
b. Qadaa kawnee or the Creational decree. This decree must occur, and it involves what Allaah loves and what He does not love. For example, the Almighty said”
“I decreed for the Children of Israel in the Book that they will corrupt the land twice…”
The decree here is creational, because Allaah does not legalize corruption in the earth nor does He love it.
11. Clarify how Allah can decree in creation that He does not love.
What is loved may be loved for itself or for factors beyond itself. What is loved for other than itself maybe itself disliked, but it is loved because of some wisdom or benefit to be gained from it. It is therefore loved form one perspective and disliked from another.
It is similar to a sick person who will take the most horrible tasting, revolting-looking, foul-smelling medicine without any hesitation as long as there is a chance for him to be cured by it. Similarly, injections, surgical operations, chemotherapy, etc., they may all be disliked form one perspective while being loved from another.
12. What does the mention of duty to parents after the decree to worship Allah “And your Lord has decreed that you worship Him alone and that you be dutiful to your parents…”indicate?
It indicates that the most important right following Allaah’s right is that of the parents. Great stress is placed on the duty to parents because it is the final link holding the family together. If it breaks, the most basic building block of society crumbles.
13. When may a woman be alone with her brother-in-law?
The in-law of the wife is death itself.
14. Identify three reasons why a person may be killed in Islam.
a. A married fornicator
b. A life for a life
c. The deserter of the religion who splits the community
15. What does “straight path” in the verse: “Indeed this is My straight path so follow it and don not follow other paths…” mean?
The Straight Path is the religion of Islam.
16. Identify the right of Allah on His slaves and their right on Allah.
The right of Allah on His slaves is that they should worship Him alone without partners. Their right on Allaah is that He should not punish them if they worship Him alone without partners.
17. Mention the principle which may be deduced from the Prophet’s statement “Don’t inform them, in case they rely on it.”
Concealment of knowledge is fundamentally prohibited. Allaah curses those who hide knowledge. The Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم was reported to have said: Whoever concealed knowledge, Allaah will make him wear a bridle of fire on the Day of Judgment”. This is due to the harm resulting from concealment. However, where there is benefit in concealment, it is permissible in this case. In order to avoid people depending on this knowledge and getting lazy with regards to righteous deeds, the Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم instructed that the knowledge of the reward be concealed.
18. Explain what “wrongdoing” in the verse “It is those who believe and do not confuse their belief with ”wrongdoing,” refers to.
It is no more that what Luqmaan said to his son: Verily shirk is the greatest wrongdoing. 31:13
19. Why does Allah refer to sin as “self oppression”?
Because the sinner oppresses himself by earning punishment.
20. Explain why Allaah described Prophet Abraham as a nation.
According to Ibn Abbas, Allaah described him as a nation because he was the only believer at that time.
21. For what reason in the hadeeth on the 70,000 did Husayn ibn Ábdir-Rahman explain that he was not praying when he saw a shooting star?
He said that so that people would not imagine that he was up praying and thereby praise him for something he did not do. His statement is not considered to be like a person who abandons a good deed out of fear of Riyaa. His statement is itself a good deed. Satanic forces may play with a person and beautify the abandonment of righteous acts. In such cases, one should go ahead and do the deed while repelling thoughts of Riyaa in his or her heart.
22. Those not treated by ruqyah of the 70,000 going to paradise without reckoning are who?
The people are those who do not ask others to treat them with ruqyah, nor do they believe in bird omens, nor do they get themselves cauterized. Instead they put their trust in their Lord.[4]
23. What does “other than that” in the verse “Indeed, Allaah does not forgive that partners should be attributed to Him, but He forgives other than that….” means?
It means sins that are less than Major Shirk
24. Identify the effect of Riyaa which creeps into worship and continues to the end.
If the origin of worship is for the sake of Allah, but Riyaa creeps into it, then this case has two subsections: a) That he repel it in which case it will not harm his worship; and b) That he continue with it, in which case it will invalidate his worship. In this case where the end of the act of worship depends on its beginnings [e.g. Salaah], the whole act of becomes invalidated. In the case where the beginning of the act of worship [is separate from its end [sawm, sadaqah, wudoo in relationship to Salaah], whatever precedes the act of Riyaa is valid, and whatever follows it is invalid.
25. Explain what one who calls to Allaah and finds the people fleeing from him should do.
Whoever calls to Allaah and finds the people fleeing from him should not despair and abandon the da’wah for the Messenger said to ‘Alee:
By Allaah! For Allaah to guide a single person by you is better for you than for you to have some red camels.[5]
If only a single person responds, it is sufficient. If no one responds, he has cleared his responsibility. The Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم described the state of some prophets on the Day of Resurrection who would come without even a single follower.
26. On whom is Da’wah an obligation?
Virtually everyone who has the ability to do it is obligated to call to Allaah. The Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم said: “Convey from me even if it be a single verse.” Anyone who knows a single verse of the Qur’an such as “Qul huwallahu ahad” is therefore obligated to share it to his shirk infested environment. This is especially true when there is a shortage of callers, when evil is prevalent and ignorance dominates; da’wah becomes fard ‘ayn on everyone according to their ability.
27. With regard to the principle that single narrations of hadeeth cannot be used to establish issues of ‘Aqeedah, the hadeeth of Muáath is proof of what?
That ahaad narration is accepted because he was sent by the Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم along with Aboo Moosa al Ash’aree to Yemen to inform them first and foremost of their Aqeedah.
28. What was the color of the flag of the Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم and what was written on it?
The color of the flag of the Prophet صل الله عليه وسلم was black and “Laailaha Illallaah Muhammad ar Rasoolullah was written on it”.
29. Identify the waseelah which Prophet Muhammad told his followers to pray for.
“It is a rank in paradise fitting for only one of Allaah’s slaves, and I hope that I may be that one”.[6]
30. Briefly explain the two main types of intercession.
31. What is the ruling on asking others to pray for us?
It is permissible if they are still alive and pious themselves.
32. Discuss the ruling on calling on Allah using our good deeds as intercession.
33. How did Christian take their monks as lords besides Allah?
By their obedience to them when they make Halaal what Allah made haram and they obey them in this; and by obedience to them when they make Haram what Allah made halaal, and they obey them in this.
34. What is the ruling on one who legalizes the unlawful and prohibits the lawful as a result of ijtihaad?
If he is qualified for Ijtihaad then he would receive a single reward for his effort although he was mistaken.
35. Why was only the complete name of Prophet Jesus mentioned in the Qurán?
Because it is necessary to establish his lineage as having no father and because he was believed to be the “the son of god” by the Christians thereby saying that he is the son of Mary, a human being, refutes the claim that he was the son of God.
36. Explain the meaning of loving for the sake of Allaah.
Loving for the sake of Allaah is loving what Allaah loves.
[1] “Messengers as bearers of good news and warnings, in order that humankind would have no evidence [to plea] against Allaah after the coming of messengers.”(4:165)
[2] Í have only sent you as a mercy for the worlds. (21:107)
[3] from al Qawl al-Mufeed, p. 19.
[4] Part of hadeeth of Husayn ibn Abdur Rahmaan collected in Sahih Muslim.
[5] Bukhari and Muslim
[6] Sahih Muslim
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