Monday, June 28, 2010

Notes on Soorah al-Kahf verses 6-8

Verse 6. Perhaps you will destroy yourself in grief following after them because they did not believe in this speech.

• The Prophet was very keen that the creation would be guided, would be very happy if they were guided and sad when the disbelievers were not because of his compassion and deep sympathy and pity for them.

• If Allah knew that there was any good in them, He would have guided them, but He knows that they are only suitable for the Hellfire.

• Thus busying oneself with grief and sorrow over them is of no benefit.

"You cannot guide whom you love. But Allah guides whom He wills" (28:56) (88:21-22) (13:40)

• There are two types of person who becomes sad when people do not accept the truth.

o One type who is sad because he is not accepted – blameworthy because this is calling to ones self.

o Another type who is sad because the truth is not accepted – praiseworthy because this is calling to Allah.

Verse 7. Indeed I have made what is on the earth its beautification to test which of them does the best deeds.

• This world is a temporary home adorned with transient beauty, a place of trial and not a permanent settlement.

"Indeed this life is sweet and green (i.e. plants that die) and Allah has out you in-charge of in in succeeding generations and He observes what you are doing. So fear this world and fear women because the beginning of trials of the Israelites was women." (Sahih Muslim)

• The quality of the deed not the quantity is more important as implied by the word "Best Deeds" not the 'most deeds'.

• Wealth and Children are part of adornment in this life (18:46) (63:9) (64:14). Enmity not from hatred and conflict but love and care prevent parents from religious duties [Ibn Taimiyyah].

• Everything in this world is a test; denying this is futile and absurd. Allah is above and beyond meaningless actions; His perfection invalidates His creation without purpose; without giving them directions; without commanding them to do good and forbidding them from evil. Whoever denies this has denied Allah's divinity and lordship. Whoever denies the Day of Resurrection is itself denial of the Lord's existence. [Ibn Taimiyyah].

• Allah does not test us to know who will pass instead it serves to confirm His Justice and Mercy on the Day of Judgment; that those who goes to Paradise deserve it and those who go to Hell got there by God's grace. [Shawkani].

Purpose of Test
Spiritual Growth. Gold is purified from ore by fire. Generosity is gained if one have a degree of sustenance that others (16:71)
Purification. If they are patient with trials.
Reminders. When people deviate, they seldom listen to the advice of those around them. But when calamity strikes, it jolts those who still have some faith recognizing their error. (32:21)
"Corruption has appeard on the land and in the sea because of what man's hands have earned in order that (Allah) may make them taste a part of what they have done, and in order that they may return (to the right path). (30:41).
To expose Hypocrites (24:63) People converting to Islam for wrong reasons, and after finding more difficulties in their lives that prior to their conversion they revert to their former beliefs.
Punishment. (24:63) Stories of past nations who rejected divine guidance (Aad, Thamood, Fir'aun etc). Punishment afflicts everyone one, not only the sinners. (8:25).

Verse 8. Indeed I will make all that is on it like dry bare soil.

• Don’t look only at the exterior of this world and be fooled by its adornments and its beauty.

• Take this world as a place of crossing not a place of delight, a place for travel not a place for residence. Spend your utmost effort to know your Lord, to obey His commands, and perfect your deeds. [As-Sa'aadi].

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