N.B. I have friends who are non Duterte voters and I love them. This post only concerns those who generalize all Duterte voters as retards who are not not capable of critical thinking
These non Duterte voters think they are cerebrals? When in reality their minds are lazily wallowing in system 1 type of thinking. They are not able to weigh which is worse: bad mouth or bad governance? They are active participants in media's manufacturing consent. Do you think you are free to think? Without Duterte you really don't have a real choice. All other presidentiables are operating under the structure set up by the oligarchy. You are now in a world of necessary illusion thinking that you have a choice between Poe, Mar and Binay. No, my dear friends you do not. Because choosing any one of them doesn't make any difference. They might have different strategies but they have the same goals. Perpetuating Oligarchy.
If you are really cerebral I'm sure you know by now what I meant by #manufacturingconsent and #necessaryillusion