Friday, March 29, 2013

Islamic needs of Muslims in the Philippines

In the depth crevasse of the Muslim's psyche, the Creator who has created the Universe - or the Multiverse (other dimensions), with the perfection of all it's laws, energy, entropy; with the harmony of it's systems from the smallest of its smallest to the biggest of its biggest; this Creator couldn't have just created all these, including  us - mankind without a sense of purpose.

When the angels learnt that Allah would create a khalifa on earth, they all but wandered and asked why would He place herein those who cause mischief and spill blood:

وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلاَئِكَةِ إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي الأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً قَالُواْ أَتَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَن يُفْسِدُ فِيهَا وَيَسْفِكُ الدِّمَاء وَنَحْنُ نُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِكَ وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ قَالَ إِنِّي أَعْلَمُ مَا لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ

And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "Verily, I am going to place on earth generations after generations (of humans)." They said: "Will You place therein those who will make mischief and shed blood, - while we glorify You with praises and thanks and sanctify You?" He said: "I know that which you do not know."

Al-Baqarah (2): 30

But Allah knew what He has created and He knew how to set them aright. Thus He sent prophets after prophets, messengers after messengers to remind them of this purpose. Indeed man, if left alone would make mischief and shed blood unjustly. The laws and rules for which the prophets have been sent to rule upon the people are their Shariahs - each new prophets repeal and abrogate the older one and the last of them is the Shariah of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, which confirm the laws of the prophets of the past and abrogates that which need to be abrogated.

Ok. so much for dramatic introduction. What was I thinking: justify the need for shariah? This needs a more thorough research. I woke up this morning with this sudden urgency to write about this topic: What are the needs of Muslims, as Muslims, in the Philippines. As minorities, we can only have as much as the central government and the constitution allows us. Let me just enumerate here and maybe discuss them in full details in the future:

1. Islamic education. This is a no brainer. If we want to raise kids as true, practising Muslims, we need to mold them as Muslims both inside our home and outside.
2. Islamic finance. This is a bit tricky and not many people realize this. Riba is so rampant in Muslim cities. An Islamic micro-financing venture is a big necessity in our areas. If people were to know the horrendous effect of riba-based financial systems and the magnanimity and justice of an Islamic financial system, they would think Islam is the solution to the world's problems - as it really is. In Africa alone, governments trying to pay the compound interests to international financial institution, ultimately leaving off their citizens their basic fundamental needs like health and education leading to epidemic infant mortality and perpetuation of poverty due to lack of education. President Obasanjo of Nigeria had this to say in G8 summit, in Okinawa Japan in 2000.

"All that we had borrowed up to 1985 or 1986 was around $5 billion and we have paid about $16 billion yet we are still being told that we owe about $28 billion. That $billion came about because of the injustice in the foreign creditor's interest rates. If you ask me what is the worst thing in the world, I will say it is compound interest."
Right now, all OFW's are required to pay in the PAG IBIG - a good idea but laden with interest-based systems from which Muslims are forbidden to partake.
3. A balance, fair and courageous and Islamic media. 
4. Services that requires Islamic touches on it such as female Muslim doctors to treat Muslim women.
5. NGO's that advocate Islam and human rights of Muslims. A handful of this do exist but we need more. Example is Hijab-Niqab Advocay Network (HAN).
6. Islamic communities where it is easier for Muslims to fulfill his obligations in worship. There must be an area in the Philippines where Muslim converts can make hijrah to so that they can live their lives as complete Muslims and strengthen their Islam and their families. But where is this place? Where are the Muslim real estate agents? Don't they know this is a very big market?

We can add more to this list. Time to take my breakfast. :)

Barakallah feekum

Monday, March 18, 2013

Post from my Shaikh: Reflections Upon Selected Daily Supplications/ Before Sleeping

This is a post from my Shaikh Abu Muhammad Abdurauf Shakir with his permission

Before Sleeping

بِاسْمِكَ اللَّهُمَّ أَمُوتُ وَأَحْيَا
"Bis-mi-kal-lāhum-ma A-moo-tu wa  Ah-yā"
(In Your Name, O Allāh, I die and I live)[1]

The text of the Hadeeth:
From among the great words of remembrance which the noble Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) used to recite consistently at the time of sleeping and at the time of awakening from sleep is what is narrated by al-Bukhāri: "Whenever the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)  intended to sleep he would say: 'In Your Name, O Allāh, I die and I live.' And whenever he awakened from his sleep he said: 'All praise belongs to Allāh, Who gave us life after He caused us to die, and unto Him is the resurrection.'"[2]

Explanation of the Hadeeth:
As for his saying (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam): "Bis-mi-kal-lāhum-ma..." (In Your Name, O Allāh...) 'Allāhum-ma' means: 'Yā Allāh' (i.e., O Allāh, I am calling upon You). The letter 'Ba' (in Bis) means 'Is-ti-'ā-nah' (seeking help or assistance in doing something). So, the meaning here is: I sleep seeking help in You, asking for Your safe-keeping (Hifdh), and hoping for protection (Al-Wiqāyah), safety (As-Salāmah), and well-being (Al-'fiyah) from You!
His saying (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam): 'A-moo-tu wa Ah-yā' (I die and I live) means: I am remembering Your Name (even) in this condition. So, with the mention of Your Name I am given life and with Your Name I die.
These words contain an indication that a Muslim is never without need of remembering his Lord, even for the blinking of an eye - at the time of sleeping, awakening from sleep, and in all of his affairs.
So, here he is at the time of sleeping, sealing his deeds of the day with the remembrance of Allāh. Likewise, the first of actions upon awakening is the remembrance of Allāh. He is giving the utmost care to the remembrance of Allāh at every moment of his day. In this way he is in remembrance of Allāh, the One Free from all imperfections, when life is given to him (upon awakening), when it is taken (upon sleeping), and at the time of being raised to live (after death) on the Day of Resurrection, In Sha Allah!
ln his saying (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam): 'Bis-mi-kal-lāhum-ma  A-moo-tu...' (In Your Name, O Allāh! I die...) when one intends to sleep is an indication that 'Nawm' (sleep) is referred to as 'Mawt' (death) as well as 'Wafāh' (demise, decease), even though life is still present in the person.
This is seen in the saying of Allāh, the Most High:
اللَّهُ يَتَوَفَّى الْأَنفُسَ حِينَ مَوْتِهَا وَالَّتِي لَمْ تَمُتْ فِي مَنَامِهَا فَيُمْسِكُ الَّتِي قَضَى عَلَيْهَا الْمَوْتَ وَيُرْسِلُ الْأُخْرَى إِلَى أَجَلٍ مُسَمًّى إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ

"It is Allāh who (Yata-waffa) takes away the souls, at the time of their death (Mawt), and those that die not during their sleep. He keeps those (souls) for which He has ordained death and sends the rest (back) for a term appointed. Verily, in this are signs for a people who think deeply." (39:42)
For this reason, he (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said in the completion of this Hadeeth, at the time of awakening: "All praise belongs to Allāh, who gave us life after He caused us to die...", pointing to the condition of sleep which the person was in (before awakening again). The sleeping person resembles the dead because movement in him has ceased and his ability to discern what is happening around him is absent. For this reason liability and responsibility for one's actions is lifted until he awakens from his sleep.

[Taken from: ‘Reflections Upon Selected Daily Supplications’ - Abu Muhammad]

[1]      Fortress of the Muslim no. 105.

[2]      Al-Bukhāri, no. 6324.

Friday, March 01, 2013

What's with Zamboanga City and religious Muslims?

Almost a year ago, a religious Muslim in Zamboanga City was murdered on his way out from his home. A convert to Islam and supporter of education for Muslim youth, Arturo Eustaquio III then the president of Universidad de Zamboanga, was gunned down just outside of his home in Santa Maria. The night before the murder, there was an Islamic symposium in his university and a number of non Muslim participants converted to Islam. It was also said that Eustaquio was planning to have an Islamic Studies course to be opened in the said university.

Just a little over a month ago in January of 2013, another religious Muslim has gone missing and until today he is nowhere to be found. Sheikh Basher Mursalun a religious Muslim scholar was reported to have been abducted by 'suspected operatives of the Philippine Center in Transnational Crime and the Philippine National Police-Special Action Force' who has until now have not acknowledge the custody of the victim'.

Moreover, Muslim women trying to practice their religion and donning their hijab or veil are not permitted to enroll in several educational institutions and hospitals.

So with this, I dare to ask, what's with you O Zamboanga City? What message are you trying to send to religious Muslims? Is there a militant anti-Muslim living in your city? Are there anti-Muslim religiosity drive happening in your city? Are you trying to fuel radicalization of the youth again?

Muslims should be patient and must not allow themselves to succumb to revenge and radicalization. These are all happening in the wake of the peace treaty signed by the GRP and MILF. Those who are opposed to this new phase of Bangsamoro history would do very well in looking for escape goats to thwart any chance for lasting peace.